Mirror Molding

DIY Project: Mirror Frame Molding
If you've seen the home makeovers featured on HGTV shows like the Property Brothers, Love It or List It, and Flip or Flop you've probably wondered how you can achieve this kind of transformation in your own home. While big projects might be best left to professionals, there are easy, DIY improvements anyone can do! One of these is framing your large, bare bathroom mirror. But don’t take it down and don’t go buy, cut, paint and glue baseboard to trim it!

Pre-cut Mirror Molding
MirrorMate will custom-cut a frame to your mirror’s measurements. It comes pre-taped and you just assemble with connectors and press the pre-taped frame right onto the glass. We take out the guess work, the labor and the materials hunt. Our easy-to-install mirror frame molding kits come with everything you need to frame your existing mirror in minutes. In fact, the Property Brothers have used our MirrorMate mirror frame molding kits for other makeovers on their show (see image to the left).