Creating Calm in Your Home

Over the last year, many of us have spent more time in our homes than ever before. As remote working and virtual schooling have become the norm, our homes have become extremely busy. Despite the fact that life has changed so much, this doesn’t mean that your home still shouldn’t be your sanctuary!
If you’re looking for ways to create calm and relaxation in your home, we’ve got just the tips you need. So, when you’re done working, cooking, and doing laundry, you can sit back, relax, and let loose for the day.
The first step is to start by taking all of your everyday items and finding a place for them. This includes hanging up coats, hats, book bags and keys and moving that stack of mail off your kitchen table. Once your everyday items are tidy and organized, move to your pantry, linen closet, and medicine cabinet.
Chances are that you’ve got some out-of-date items that should be thrown away. Check for open boxes of cereal, crackers, and other snacks that are past their expiration date. In your linen closet, get rid of old towels and washcloths and take the time to fold sheets and blankets.
As for your medicine cabinet, get rid of any expired products that are taking up valuable space. You could even reframe your medicine cabinet using a DIY frame kit from MirrorMate. This will give it a clean, finished look in just minutes!
Our MirrorMate product can take any mirror from drab to fab in just a few simple steps. Browse all of the framing kits we offer on our website at

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